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25 Tons Coal-Fired Chain Grate Steam Boilers

25 Tons Coal-Fired Chain Grate Steam Boilers

Boiler Model: SZL25-2.5-AII

Boiler Project: Dairy Industry

Capacity:25 Tons

Location:South Africa

Case introduction

The customer is a dairy company located in California, USA. The brand is dedicated to producing high-quality organic and antibiotic-free milk. The company invested in a large-scale dairy production base in South Africa, and this time, the cusomter ordered three sets of coal-fired chain grate steam boilers from ZOZEN Boiler for the production steam and daily heat supply of the production base.

The project uses ZOZEN SZL series coal-fired chain grate steam boilers. The chain grate adopts stratified combustion mode and scientific furnace arch design, which can be applied to a wide range of coal fuels. Considering that the coal used in Clover South Africa base has low volatile matter and it is difficult to burn fully, ZOZEN Boiler is designed to adjust the structure of chain grate and rationally allocate air supply to ensure full combustion of fuel and improve combustion conditions. In addition, the boiler is equipped with advanced control system, the fuel supply, ash discharge and tapping can be controlled automatically.

ZOZEN has accumulated rich experiences in international cooperation projects, which will not only provide customers with perfect installation guidance documents, but also the project manager will track the projects remotely in real time, solve all kinds of problems encountered in the process of project installation for customers in time, and ensure that each project forms a service closed loop.

Customer feedback

ZOZEN Boiler was a boiler enterprise certified by ASME. We also knew that ZOZEN Boiler had served many projects in the South African market and had a good reputation in the South African market, so we chose ZOZEN Boiler.

— A dairy factory in South Africa


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